Aug 212018

Submission On behalf of Melbourne Bicycle User Group

The inclusion of bike lanes on Linlithgow Rd is welcome, but these must be physically protected lanes because of the volume and speed of motor traffic. The connection from the Alexander Gardens via traffic lights need to be improved. These connections will provide an alternative route to the Yarra Southbank path which is suitable only for low-speed bike “strolling” while through bicycle traffic can use the safe bike lanes along Sth Bank Bvd and Linlithgow St as a bypass.

South of the Queen Victoria Gardens, Linlithgow Ave needs to be removed as it has no purpose. There is no logic to allowing rat-running through motor traffic on this section of Linlithgow Ave because all through traffic should be on St Kilda Rd and Domain Rd.
A two-way bicycle only path should parallel the tan track from the QV Gardens to Park St Sth Yarra. Car access should be restricted to Government House and the Observatory gate/Shrine area. Linlithgow avenue divides the parklands and is a barrier to safe pedestrian movement.
Dallas Brooks Drive can remain open for access to the Herbarium Gate with a bus parking area. The remainder of Birdwood Ave should be removed as it is a waste of open space and breaks the continuity of parkland along it’s length.

Around the Shrine, jogging and cycling are not permitted but car parking is allowed (on the grass). This seems inconsistent. A dedicated small parking area could be provided off St Kilda Rd or off Domain Rd, enough to service staff and possibly some bus parking. This would remove any need for MV access via Birdwood Ave.
These changes could be made as the Metro project winds up and St Kilda Rd and Domain Rds are restored to their arterial road function.

There are no safe bicycle routes in the entire eastern half of the master plan area. Repurposing the Birdwood Ave corridor to walking, tan track & cycling will address this in part, and although beyond the scope of this masterplan, Anderson St needs protected bike lanes to complete the connectivity of this area.

 Posted by at 9:18 am

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