May 022019

Belated upate 27/11/2019. On May 19th 2019, Cr Leppert moved “That the Future Melbourne Committee notes the outcome of the study and recommends that Council endorses installation of continuous protected full time bicycle lanes in Exhibition Street in its adoption of the 2019-20 budget.” In priniple there should be no unprotected sections, and the City’s current policy is to run protection up to the stop line, no more skinny lanes at the intersection. The project requires no further Council approval.

The new lanes are now in design and we expect them to be built during 2020.  Thanks to everyone who made a submission to Council. Over one hundred submissions were received, which helps to fortify Council in their determination to improve conditions for active transport in the City.

Council will consider recommendations for building protected bike lanes along Exhibition St on Tuesday 7th May 2019.

Please make a submission in support via
Agenda Item title: Exhibition Street Bicycles Lanes
Meeting date: 7/5/2019
Future Melbourne Committee.

Or by email to

Print copies of our leaflet to leave on bikes in your work bike cage:

Key deadlines:

2PM Friday, Recommendation published on Council website at

Now published at

12PM Monday, submissions made after this won’t be included in Councillor Briefing

10AM Tuesday, final deadline for submissions.

You can also address the committee meeting, indicate this when you make your submission and your name will be called on the night. If you have experiences on Exhibition St please come and tell your story to the councillors. Your submission can optionally include a powerpoint which will be displayed when you are talking.

From the report:

Existing typical Exhibition Street cross section

Proposed typical mid-block plan

 Posted by at 12:29 pm

  4 Responses to “Exhibition St Protected Lanes”

  1. This is a great initiative. I hope they’ll also consider doing the same for Rathdowne Street at the north of Exhibition to link Canning st and Exhibition st. This would encourage heaps of riders as it removes the dangerous Rathdowne street bike lane which shrinks to about 50cm wide as it approaches Exhibition st.

    • I totally agree with this comment. The bike path at the south end of Rathdowne St is a fatality waiting to happen.
      Linking Canning St lane to the city is a great idea.
      Also Napier St Fitzroy which is great until Gertrude St and then peters out.

  2. What a great idea, linking the bike lanes and providing the seperation barriers will be great and encourage more to ride !

  3. To whom it may concern

    As I ride my bicycle every day into the city for work, I strongly support the submission for a “Protected Cycling Lane” in Exhibition Street.

    Kind regards
    Jeffrey Browne

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