May 162012

In its latest state budget, the Victorian Government slashed funding for the Vicroads Bicycle Program to zero.

This means big projects across Melbourne, including some that have already been started on, like the Federation Trail, are in limbo.

It means that there is no funding for the development of the Principal Bike Network, Melbourne’s network plan.

It means that safety issues we face every day will continue to be unaddressed, and new cyclists will continue to be discouraged.

In coming weeks, the Victorian Bicycle User Groups and Bicycle Victoria will working to reverse this short sighted decision.

We’ve got some actions in the pipeline, including a rally, that we’ll let you know of shortly (if you haven’t already, please follow us on Twitter, ‘like’ us on Facebook, or sign up to our mailing list).

And we also want to know your ideas. We’re particularly interested ideas for events or actions that are a bit more creative, entertaining and fun. Or if you have any special skills you can contribute.

Please let us know in the comments.

 Posted by at 8:21 am

  One Response to “Pump It Up – What Are Your Ideas?”

  1. How about a protest consisting of cars with bikes on the roof. You organise a few hundred vehicles to follow a bike route during peak hour and demonstrate how cars create congestion and bikes are part of the solution – but it needs funding.

    Would definitely need some media coverage to make it worthwhile.

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