- Bike safety feel like an uphill battle? Get pushy!
Where when?
Date: Wednesday 29 February 2012
Time: 12:45pm for a 1pm start
Place: Gordon Reserve – the small grass triangle on Spring Street just south of Parliament House, near the corner of Little Collins Street.
What is this all about?
We are everyday cyclists. We care about cycle safety. And we think it’s time to get a bit pushy. What we don’t want: roads only for cars. Roads so unforgiving that small errors have catastrophic consequences. What we do want: safe bike lanes. More of them. And respect.
Greens MP Greg Barber has introduced a bill to increase the penalty for dooring to the same as running a red light. This is a good first step to raise awareness. But we want more.
Ride your bike to Gordon Reserve to support the Dooring Bill and call for:
1. More safe bike lanes
2. A culture of respect on the roads