Apr 232012
Read Melbourne BUG’s submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into dooring. Then write to them yourself by Friday 27 April. Send your comments to robert.mcdonald@parliament.vic.gov.au. Please note that all submissions are treated as public unless you ask for confidentiality and they grant it.
[…] lobbyists such as the Bicycle User Group argue the penalties for car ‘dooring’ do not reflect the serious nature of the crime or the risks […]
I commute by bicycle to the city 4 days a week. I have been in 2 serious accidents with cars in the past few years but luckily walked away from both with only bruising and lots of lost skin. I have had countless near misses including doorings. I have seen other cyclists hit by car doors and it is a sickening site. Please increase the penalties for doorings to make riding in Victoria safer for all.
Thank you.
I love your submission ! Thank you. It covers off all I had on this topic and more. Will write and support your views. Thanks
My main experience with ‘car dooring’ is all along the northbound edge of the Princess Bridge. On a significant portion of my rides along there, passengers open their door without checking for traffic, and are dismissive when warned that they could face charges.
The other experience is southbound along the road opposite the NGV. Many times I’ve ridden there, drivers are standing on the bike lane, or step onto it without checking for traffic.
I ask that these two sections be considered for Copenhagen Lanes, or at the least, clarification and increases of the penalties to reduce their incidence.
Totally, see Melbourne BUG’s St Kilda Road Vision.