Feb 292012

A huge thank you to every one who came to Gordon Reserve at lunchtime today, to get pushy for cycling safety.  It was a fantastic turnout and great to see so many friendly faces. We are keen to keep in touch!

Thanks to Greg Barber MLC, for giving us the run down on the Dooring Bill.  We are right behind this initiative, and hope that it can be the starting point for some positive action to make cycling safer for all Victorians.

Finally, thank you to all the BUG members and friends, who wrote ideas on serviettes, painted placards, told their friends, decorated their bikes, took photos, showed their support, distributed flyers and handed out lychees.  We could not have done it without you.

 Posted by at 7:19 am

  One Response to “Thank you all!”

  1. […] The rally today was fantastic. There are some photos in the previous post. And we just published some more great ones here on the Melbourne BUG Flickr page! […]

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