That was awesome! What now?
The rally today was fantastic. There are some photos in the previous post. And we just published some more great ones here on the Melbourne BUG Flickr page!
This is only the beginning. There’s so much more we can do if we work together. As we mentioned today, Melbourne City Council are looking at the possibility of a separated bike lane down Latrobe street. When push comes to shove on this and other issues, we’ll need to fire up and make our voice heard!
Email the transport minister about the dooring bill
This afternoon the car dooring bill was deferred until next parliamentary sitting week, 13 March, while the government considers its position. More time to lobby them!
Write to Parliamentary Secretary for Transport Edward O’Donahue – edward.o’ CC the Minister for Transport Terry Mulder – Ask them to support the bill and give us some safe bike lanes too!
Other ways to make your voice heard on bike issues
1) Write to your local state MP or local council about your bike issue
If you have an idea for a bike improvement, or something you want fixed, we suggest you write to your local state MP, who you can find here. You might want to email your local council too – find them here.
2) Join the Melbourne Bicycle Users Group
The Melbourne BUG campaigns for better cycling conditions in the City of Melbourne, which includes CBD and surrounds (ie Docklands, South/North/West Melbourne, Carlton, etc). We are for anyone who uses the CBD, not just people who live here!
This is only a temporary website but we have a new website here and you can subscribe for updates. You can also follow us on Facebook here or Twitter here. You can also join our google group here.
3) Join or start a local Bicycle Users Group
You can find the local group in your area here (list is a bit out of date, but should still have useful info). Some groups are more active than others. If there doesn’t seem to be much happening in your area, why not consider start something yourself?
We want to hear your ideas. There was lots of talk today about ideas people have for working together to make Melbourne a bike city. What do you think? What are your ideas about how we can work together?